Mission and vision
Our mission
Our vision
Society is confronted with major transitions. The urgency to become more sustainable is high. Themes such as climate, a healthy living environment, animal welfare and (global) food security are high on the agenda. These major transitions go hand in hand with an increasing need for people with knowledge and skills, combined with an investigative approach towards alternative perspectives.
The Dutch sectors associated with agriculture, animals, food, a healthy living environment and technology are leading in the world. Aeres is anchored in these sectors and, through its education and research, can prepare pupils, students and course participants to make an important contribution to strengthening the green sectors and to solutions to the major change issues of our time.
Our foundation
Aeres is built on both a general Christian and neutral foundation. Based on the cohesion between pedagogy and religious or philosophical choices, we demonstrate our social responsibility within society.
'The Green Changermaker' describes a number of changes in the world around us and how Aeres responds to them. This leads, among other things, to a new mission and vision (see above) and to a number of strategic choices and priorities.